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Monday, November 07, 2005

Understanding the 6th and 7th Media

This is a great blog post by Tomi Ahonen which talks about the 6th and 7th media which are the Internet and the Mobile Phone respectively.

...the first five mass media [Print, recording, cinema, radio and TV] are all very mature, over 50 years old each. Even the sixth media - the internet - is well into its teens. The least understood of the seven media is the youngest, mobile phone, which became a media channel only six years ago when NTT DoCoMo first launched its revolutionary i-Mode service in 1999. i-Mode has in its very short life, as regular readers of this blog know, become the world's largest internet service provider, ie bigger than AOL, Yahoo, etc by paying subscribers, by revenues and by profits.


Understanding the 6th and 7th Media


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